(Is it just me or does the above pumpkin look a little like a worried and fatigued Charlie Brown?)
Good decision; hoochie ladybugs are gross. Never saw the Tiny Elvis - I love it!
Those pumpkins are looking pretty sad. The ladybug looks very age appropriate, though!
Adorable! I love the ladybug outfit. And yes, that pumpkin in the middle is totally channeling Charlie Brown. The other ones? I don't know...
Those are some unhappy looking pumpkins.
Love the scaries and the cutie!
Bare feet on Halloween! It must be nice to be warm on Halloween. We always have to try to figure out how to get a coat under a princess costume.
I love those tiny Elvis costume thingys! And I get ya on the whole hoochie mama thing. What is it with these costumes that want to turn my 10 year old into a mistress of the night?
Did the same thing with the bee costume for my daughter!
I love the ladybug outfit. And yes, that pumpkin in the middle is totally channeling Work from home India
The ladybug looks very age appropriate, though! Work from home India
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Good decision; hoochie ladybugs are gross. Never saw the Tiny Elvis - I love it!
Those pumpkins are looking pretty sad. The ladybug looks very age appropriate, though!
Adorable! I love the ladybug outfit. And yes, that pumpkin in the middle is totally channeling Charlie Brown. The other ones? I don't know...
Those are some unhappy looking pumpkins.
Love the scaries and the cutie!
Bare feet on Halloween! It must be nice to be warm on Halloween. We always have to try to figure out how to get a coat under a princess costume.
I love those tiny Elvis costume thingys! And I get ya on the whole hoochie mama thing. What is it with these costumes that want to turn my 10 year old into a mistress of the night?
Did the same thing with the bee costume for my daughter!
I love the ladybug outfit. And yes, that pumpkin in the middle is totally channeling
Work from home India
The ladybug looks very age appropriate, though!
Work from home India
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