Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tootsie and Little Sis Thumb Their Noses at Life

We spent today at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Bored with conventional roller coasters, Dorothy Z and I paid the extra twenty bucks for some extreme Dive Devil(ing). Listen for the calls for "mommy" from Boy-Child numbers one and two. If you can hear them over all of that SCREAMING! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

SO fun fun fun! I'm so glad we did it! Thank you for going on it with me :D

Tootsie Farklepants said...

Anytime. At least until I'm of "heart attack" age. Then ya on ya own.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Not. In. A. Million. Years. But yay for you.

JCK said...

You are one kick ass Mama! And your sister is kick ass, too!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow - no gratuitous puking at the end?

Anonymous said...

You & Dorothy are fearless!

What will ride designers think of next to provide thrills and chills? :-)

{sue} said...

I'm with Jenn! That would have taken 10 years off my life. But brave ladies, you are!

Marmarbug said...

ACK! I was screaming with you!!!! I have always wante dto do that but lost my nerve at the end. Mayyyybeeeee I'll do it. One day.

Anonymous said...

You crazy, crazy bitch!

Anonymous said...

That would have taken 60 years off my life because I would have DIED right there on the spot. BAM! Just like that. And then my husband and children would live in squalor and nekkid-ness, because no one would think to clean and Pete sure as hell wouldn't remember to do laundry or replace the children's old clothes.

San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

HOLY crap. It all looked, "whatever," until the camera panned back, and then HOLY CRAP!

Also, I though the guy said "hold on to your RIBS," and I was all "HOOOLLLLLYYYYYY CRRRAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!"

And am I the only one who can't tell you and your sis apart?


smalltownme said...

You are crazy women. What will you do to top that?

Perksofbeingme said...

wow, you are so much braver than I am! I'm scared to death of heights and that would put me over the edge!

Betsy said...

I didn't hear the "Mommy!" cries, but I liked the rebuke over the loudspeaker. "Hold your wrists please. Yes, YOU, Tootsie Farklepants!"

Allison said...

Oh man those are certainly a rush. I went on one of those in Reno and that is pretty freaking high up in the air. I also got to pull the rip cord. Scary/fun/insane!

ALF said...


Amy said...

It's been a few years since I've done that but I loved it! I keep trying to get my husband to do it - but no such luck!

Anonymous said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to do that but am too cheap.

You and DorothyZ are my heroes.

MommyTime said...

That is seriously the most insane thing I have ever seen. And I've seen a four year old BLAST A BEAR!

Christi said...

Ok, just watching you do this made me feel sick.

I'm not afraid of heights but the feeling of falling scares the ever living hell out of me.

dkuroiwa said...

How nice they are at that park..."please hold your wrists. Thank you."

I would LOVE to do that...but really...I probably won't 'cause I. would. just. pee!!!

You and your sister are just...too cool!!!

Squeaker said...

You are a brave lady -- much braver than meek, afraid-of-heights me.

I don't see many women on those, unless coerced by a boyfriend, so hooray for the two of you! Girl power and such!

Wineplz said...

I just screamed out loud in terror at work.

I'm terrified of heights. I can do roller coasters? But free-falling? Eff that!