Tootsie's weekly advice column. She's no expert, although she's not really sure what constitutes "expert". If it involves school, she attended the school of Very Strong Opinions. Questions are welcomed. Answers may borderline ridiculous.
At the mere mention urging from several commenter's, I'm starting a weekly advice column. Without further ado...
Q: Burgh Baby's Mom would like to know if "Matching mom and daughter pajamas. Supa-cute or supa-dork?"
A: I say, it depends. Same patterns and fabric are okay but I would go with different styles (i.e. cami and bottoms for Mom, footsies and long sleeves for baby). This only works if the child is under the age of 10. And if you're both adults just stop it. I would really hate to see you end up on a talk show where your children accuse you of not dressing your age. And this just has to be said; grown ups never wear princess themed anything. Unless you are an offical princess of a legitimate country and that themed thing is a crown.
Q: Burgh Baby's Mom would also like to know "What color eye shadow is best for blue eyes?"
A: Browns, taupes, and golds. Sometimes pinks but that's kinda risky. You could be mistaken for a 12 year old. And always black mascara. That goes for any eye color.
This advice applies no matter who you are: Don't let this happen to you:
And Diet Pepsi is never a justification for what just happened there. I'm not saying it happened to me but I'm not saying it didn't either. Also? Someone needs to introduce her desperate grout to some needy, clingy bleach.