Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Something Bit Me

I apologize for my severe case of blog neglect. It's just that...well...

Saturday afternoon and Monday night I had a rendezvous with this:

Then Tuesday afternoon, um, until 2:30am and large chunks of Wednesday were spent with my nose in this:

Now we're here:

Soon to be there:

Be back soon.

*photos Google Images


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Oh no, they got you too. Soon I'll be the only one left who. just. doesn't. get. it.

smalltownme said...

I had that rendezvous quite a while ago. Enjoy. See you later.

I just have to say....they need to recast Jacob.

Anonymous said...

Oh snap! I'm catching up to you. I just finished the first one and wrote a very enriching synopsis on my blog: I just started New Moon, and I kinda feel like a big dorky dork. But whoo hoo! You're a dork too! It feels good to know I'm not alone.

Jennifer S said...

Maybe Jenn and I are the last two holdouts.

Christine Gram said...

That is how I spent an entire week of my summer. I didn't sleep as I just couldn't stop reading.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

No Jenn@jugglinglife, you're not alone. I'm holding firm, too. I'm afraid to go near those darn books. I don't have the time for yet another addiction.

Anonymous said...

I'm staying with Jenn & hula girl. My tree still isn't up. No time to read.

Unknown said...

You drank the kool-aid! I look forward to your return and thoughts on the series. You are lucky because all of the books are out now. I started the series on Mother's Day with no knowledge of the books - the Twilight description just seemed interesting- and like you I was up reading until all hours of the night for the next 3 days. I had to painfully wait for August for BD to be released. Welcome new convert - Twilight Mom!

MamaHen Em said...

I'm holding out, too. But enjoy your reads!

One Reader said...

I almost broke down the other day completely by accident. Those darn covers are freakin' Beautiful! I picked up the second one just to enjoy the art and then I saw it was in that "Twilight" series and practically flew out of the store. Like kcinnova my tree still isn't up. I am not allowed to go near a new series! But I really hope you enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

welcome to the club!

Anonymous said...

welcome to the club!

calicobebop said...

Tee hee - you've got the Twilight bug! They really suck a person in, don't they? Enjoy the teen angst and vampire passion!

yellaphant said...

Don't even get me started. They have consumed my life. I even bring them to work so I can sneak a few pages while I wait for things to print or download. It's sick. It's a disease. I'm a monster. I'm a monster who's not nearly as sexy or strong or talented. Just monsterish.

Laura said...

Glad to see there are some other holdouts!

Anonymous said...

My 13-year-old was reading one because her friends were all reading them and she read me a page out loud. There were a lot of "dazzles." We both decided they were not for us. Like Jen, we don't get it either. Glad you do, though! Reading is always fun.

Anonymous said...

I finished the first one recently. My husband got me the second as part of my Christmas gifts--I am having a hard time avoiding it in the closet. It totally does suck you in... :)

Mitzi McCoy said...

I read the first 3 in three days right after I got married. My husband thought he got a raw deal and attempted to renegotiate his contract. Didn't love the 4th (see my blog for the rant). If you like these you will DIE for the Sookie Stackhouse series..... and then The Black Dagger Brotherhood....

Burgh Baby said...

That puts me one step closer to being the very last person on Earth to read any of those books.

Timi said...

I have the same problem! I am just starting book 3 myself. They are so good!
When sitting in the airport at JFK this last week I took out my book to read, 2 of my friends got thiers out to read. Then I looked up and a guy sitting across from us was reading book II and the woman next to him (they did'nt know each other I saw them laughing at the book selection of gate 36 waiting area) was on book 4

WSU Laura (who spent a whole weekend ingnoring her friends and family to read all 4) have decided that we need to go over to Forks and La Push to check things out.

Now when you are out and about and see beautiful people your going to think to yourself.......Vampire!
Happy reading! Now you have to go see the movie.

Anonymous said...

Yep I was pretty much MIA while reading those too. I read them twice. I am going to read them again now that I get them back from a friend I lent them to. It;s a sickness. said...

Ya I got bit by those too! Just before the last book was released (the tues before in fact) my daughter and nieces were going on and on and on about the series so I borrowed the first book and read it in a night. The next day I went to the book store and got the next one. Day after that .. the next one and finally the day after it released the last one! They are awesome! Also, I agree with smalltownmom, I was diappointed with Jacob in the movie. Also disappointed with the actress that played Bella BUT a movie can NEVER do justice to a book.

tracywas said...

I started my daughter on these about 4 months ago because she had read and re-read the Harry Potter 9 times.

Not only did she get hooked, she hooked all of the women in our Bunco team. We pass the books around like drugs and have a waiting list to keep track of who is next!

Anonymous said...

Oh God - everywhere I go this is happening. I really don't have the time to be reading this Twilight series right now...or in the near future. I'm starting to feel really left out....

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Don't forget to read Midnight Sun before you go see the movie. And, Eclipse is by far the BEST of the four. Be prepared for a big departure in BD.

San Diego Momma said...

I think we've just made it a triumvirate, Jenn and Jennifer!

Stephanie said...

Girl, it's a cult. I'm about to finish up New Moon. I just joined right before Thanksgiving. Just go ahead and buy the big poster at Wal Mart of Edward. ;oD

Minnesota Matron said...

Now, the Matron is not trying to stir up Controversy and such --and she hasn't even read the books -- but isn't this about a girl willing to give up her most precious goods (humanity) for a boy? And he's the one making the decisions about whether or not she gets to do this? Dr. Feminist Matron thinks she's already read that story about one million times. . . ? But she will admit to naming her daughter after Scarlett O'Hara so sometimes a book grabs you, regardless. . . but!! Wondering . . .

The Girl Next Door said...

exactly why I didn't pick up new moon, which sits taunting me on my nightstand, lest I get fired from my job.....

Anonymous said...

all I can say is swwwoooonnnnn.. I love those books.. love.

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

I haven't read any of them... I guess I'm a loser!?

I have to get some!

OHmommy said...

Oh GAWD....

is everyone reading that now?

Does that mean Im going to have to pick it up? Is it that good?

derfina said...

I caved in to peer pressure, too. Just finished Twilight and starting on the second!

Nora said...


Baby Favorite said...

I have read the first, bought the second, but haven't started on it yet. (Damned holidays!) I am anxious to see what's next!

Have you seen the movie? I haven't had time for THAT, either. Sheesh. Maybe I need to just cancel Christmas.

Saucy said...

Jenn @ Juggling Life and I are of the same ilk. We must be wired funny. I just don't get it either. And I read just about anything, man. Anything.

Julie said...

Completely understandable...carry on.

JCK said...

good for you getting in some delicious reading time!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, you could have just started reading them when they originally came out and saved yourself all this cramming . . .


Preston said...

I'll be hanging around waiting for your return!

jlarkin said...

That happened to me awhile ago - total addict...yup, I even bought TWO Twilight t-shirts AND chaperoned our middle school field trip to see the premier of the movie! I LOVE Edward! :)

Lisa..... said...

My eyes are rolling. I am sorry, they can't help it.

I read them with my daughter and am I the only person who thinks that Bella is kind of annoying? I guess so.

Mariah said...

They sucked me in too, I finished the series in a few days. Yesterday I saw the movie. It sucked

jlo said...

Love, love, love the books. They sell "I love boys who sparkle" shirts at Hot Topic. i so want one. Is that wrong cause I'm 36? I'm just asking.

Jason, as himself said...

It will be Jenn and me left! I am resisting even though every person in the whole world that I ever met is totally in love with them. Except Jenn. But we haven't met. Yet.

Please join the world of the living soon!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

I'm in the middle of Eclipse, too! Totally addicted. You can see my special brand of crazy for it on my latest post.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Enjoy your "bite" and thank the Farklepants children for allowing you this time. They must want some major loot this holiday.

Karen said...

They do manage to take their toll on the blog, don't they? They sucked me in over Thanksgiving. Enjoy.

Shana said...

I read the first three in the span of, like, ONE WEEK. Then went to the midnight release party for the fourth. Luckily, I was able to do this all under the guise of bonding with my 15-yro daughter.


Are you still reading? I read all four in five days... No... I didn't get any work done. We miss you

Madame Queen said...

Aha! You got bitten. I'm re-reading, if you can believe it. I wanted to go back and re-read after seeing the movie.

Suzanne said...

Wow... am I officially the last person now? *sigh* It's not that I don't like vampires. I actually LOVE vampires. But, like, REAL vampires. I don't think I can bring myself to do it. I just can't.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only woman in the country who could really give a rat's ass about Twilight? LOL

Anonymous said...

On vacation, I picked up and read New Moon -- by accident. Swear to God, I knew nothing about this Twilight phenom. The further I read, the more I felt cuckolded and like I'd stumbled back into middle-school?! Only after I forced myself to finish it did I notice the genre sticker on the front: "Adolescent". Oy!! I know I'm going to be odd (wo)man out here, but I just don't get it. With options like Kingsolver, Siddons, Picoult, Gilbert ... ? I just don't get it [shakes head].

Anonymous said...

If you're going to get into Vamps, pick ones that can hand those Twilight wimps a big ol' can of Southern Whoop-Ass:

Yeah, I'm talking about True Blood.

Allison said...

I really love this series. I'm about half way through the third book. I have a hard time putting it down, but for some reason Andrew feels neglected if I don't. Sheesh! Men!?

Pamela said...

Nah-- not for me. I read the first one with high hopes, but I I had to hear how good looking that dude was one more time... well.
Glad you're enjoying them--it's fun to get caught up.

Anonymous said...

DUDE. I tried to avoid it as long as I possibly could, but then a friend loaned me Twilight and I started it Sunday at 2pm while waiting for an oil change. Finished it Monday at 7am, started New Moon at 3pm, finished it at 3pm Tuesday.

Now I'm on a self imposed vampire break until next week.

And is it just me, or is the guy in the movie NOWHERE near as hot as I'd hoped he'd be?

Just me?

stephanie said...

Wow, I'm impressed - that is dedication. I have none, even after 75 of my girl students have rolled their eyes & shrieked at me to READ IT!

You can be my inspiration; maybe during break I'll become one of the cool kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I was totally sucked in by these books, too. I bought and read them all in a weekend and then I went to see the movie. I now have a cougarish crush on Robert Pattinson who plays Edward. Nevermind that I'm 13 years older than him and married!

Have you seen the movie yet? If so, what did you think?