Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year...Now Let's See if We can Keep this Thing Regular

I'm not even going to apologize for not updating because, whatever. I've been busy. I'm just going to start off the new year with a good ol' WHAT THE HELL??? Because we've lived in this house since 1997 and the following has never ever happened in all that time...

When you live in a suburb of Los Angeles, snow is a rare sighting.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

And that looks like actual snow--the last time it happened in San Diego they said it was "graupel." The kids slid down the street on boogie boards anyway!

Welcome back.

Suburban Correspondent said...

It snowed in LA? What?

MamaHen Em said...

That's awesome!

dkuroiwa said...

Happy new year to you, too...and really? what's up with the weather? we had snow, too....way more than we ever have had (in over 90 years).
can we still blame this on the Russians??

JoeinVegas said...

Wow - in LA! We just had some flurries a few minutes ago, but nothing white like that!

Happy New Year!!

Stu said...

I like in the last picture that there are only a couple houses where there are tire tracks. Like the whole neighborhood refuses to drive in even a dusting of snow.

Anonymous said...

Holy mackerel!

william2233 said...

To cold for me, from a children author