Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Did I Really Just Consume 640 Calories in Five Minutes?

I have to admit this. I can deny it no longer. I've become addicted to ice cream. Which is weird because I'm usually not so much for the cold, tasty treat. I mean, I've enjoyed it, but if asked previously I would have said that it ranks way below pie, cake, OHMYGAWD donuts, and brownies BROWNIES! But you know you've developed a problem when you're throwing your kids in the car at 3pm, and not at their request mind you, because you have to have two scoops of Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter Chocolate RIGHT NOW or else! Or else? Or else you will die. And you've already justified that because you ate a light lunch and vowed to skip dinner then it's perfectly fine to indulge to your heart's content.

Or maybe some pistachio because they didn't have peanut butter chocolate

And then your sister in law introduces you to Ben and Jerry's Crème brûlée whose ribbon of flavor contains the fine crunchy candy shell and you're all ohmahgah and kiss her full on the mouth. You never knew Crème brûlée like this before. Or love.

Then there are these sneaky bastards. Sixty pieces? Pfft. Do you know how easy it is to consume those in a day? A couple of handfuls here and there and before you know it your kids are all, "Didn't we buy some Dibs today?" and you're all, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you over this brain freeze".

A word of advice: Do not buy Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream (swoon) when you're at the store and hungry. Because the first thing you'll do when you get home is eat half of the container before hiding it placing it lovingly in the freezer. Granted their containers are small but the entire thing still counts as four servings. Or, breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. What?

But this. This is the one that has my heart. And my thighs and probably my cholesterol level. And making my scale nervous. This is the holy mother effing queen of all ice cream right here. Chocolate ice cream with ribbons of peanut butter and crack. See how she's all proud of herself? She's like the siren call that caused ships to crash into rocks. Only this time the next splintering sound you'll hear will be my jeans exploding.


Anonymous said...

Oh great, now I'm wanting ice cream and NOW. Thanks a lot!

Madame Queen said...

You know, ice cream just doesn't do it for me. I know, it's practically un-American. HOWEVER, I think it's Publix that has a new chocolate ice cream with chocolate truffles in it. Now THAT'S an ice cream I can get behind.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, sister friend. Welcome.

Indy said...

I too have to go now and get icecream all because of this post. Thanks. My kids also thank you.

calicobebop said...

Creme Brulee ice-cream?!? I need to get to the freezer section more often!

I did see that B&J have little tiny individual sized cups now. I bought some for Muffin and ate two myself. Whoops!

Madge said...

That B&J creme brulee is going on the grocery list right now.

HWHL said...

Hi Tootsie - just stumbled into your blog and am laughing really hard - VERY creative and enjoyable!

Glad you have "discovered" ice cream. Better late to the party than never, yes?

Give this flavor a spin: Dulce de Leche by Haagen Dazs.... it's lovely. Not overly busy, and really very pleasurable. :-)

btw - LOVED the enagement story below.... tres, tres sweet!

Marmarbug said...

Okay seriously? I am PMSing hard core right now. And those ice cream pics? Have me slobbering all over my keyboard.
I may go meet Ben and Jerry for lunch.

smalltownme said...

It's the heat that made me buy 4 kinds of frozen delight yesterday: Dreyer's Cookie Dough Ice Cream, ice cream sandwiches, fruit bars, and some truly decadent dove bars with Pomegranate ice cream and dark chocolate.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Oh, you naughty girl. Are you sure you're not pregnant?

jayna said...

I also snubbed ice cream for most other confections. Anything else came first. And then the husband brought home Breyers Fried Ice Cream. Seriously, crunchy, sugary topping, caramel, cinnamon chunks and creamy vanilla, all in a box.

We can't have ice cream in the house any more. There have been some wicked fights about who gets the last bit in the box.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

PB chocolate is my favorite too, but finding egg-free, delicious ice-cream can be a humdinger.

Stupid allergies. You enjoy more on my behalf.

Burgh Baby said...

Our grocery store (yes, we own it) just started selling these itty bitty teeny tiny little containers of Ben and Jerry's. They hold maybe a tablespoon of ice cream, but come with a equally itty bitty teeny tiny spoon under the lid, so you still get the satisfaction of needing to shovel fifteen times before you hit the bottom. I thought these itty bitty teeny tiny containers of Ben and Jerry's were going to be my ice cream saviors (*stops to wipe drool from chin*), but GADDAMMITTOACHEEHOCKEYSTICKS there are over 200 calories in those stupid things. I could eat one and a half Snickers for that. Stupid Ben and Jerry's tried to trick me, I tell ya.

AutoSysGene said...

OMg, shall we form a club? This is may fav and I've had something for ice cream since before my surgery.

My other weakness? Oberweis Chocolate shakes...I exercise all day so I can drink one of those suckers.

Should we call it Ice Cream Anonymous...I'll bring ice cream for a snack! ;0

Jen said...


Last night I sat and ate an entire (albeit surprisingly lightweight) carton of peanut butter dibs...and I have been known to haul my four kids across town to the only B & R for my pb and chocolate fix. YUM....and thanks alot. Last night - swore off ice cream. This morning? Missing it already.

Allison said...

You have successfully made me want ice cream. I just rediscovered my love for oreos a few days ago and I think we have nearly finished off two packages. The first one was the new strawberry milkshake creme filled ones and then chocolate creme filled. Yum! My belly, bum, and hips hate me.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, chocolate ice cream welcomes us ALL to the Dark Side.

OHmommy said...

I just had Creme Brullee at the Four Seasons and have forgotten how flipping yummy it is. I am off to Ben and jerry's this afternoon!!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hmm...I wasn't quite the ice cream lover either but I may have to make my way down the frozen food aisle later today.....instead of lunch....of course.

Anonymous said...

You scream
Ice scream........

Nicole said...

Hah I am a total sucker for Pralines & Cream. Mmmmm

Jennifer S said...

Creme brulee? (Kids, get yer shoes on, we're goin' to the store!!)

I also love Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone. Seriously, that stuff should have instructions for 10 difficult exercises on the back of it.

Anonymous said...

Um, preggers? ;)
And try Blue Bunny Peanut Butter Panic. It'll make you cry. It makes me cry, simply because I can't have it anymore. But if you can find it, get it, and cancel everything on your calendar. Trust me. :)

Anonymous said...

I send my kids in to BaskinRobbins without me. But if I simply must have the stuff, I go for the Gold Medal Ribbon. To die.

Muddlin' Mother said...

Listen Fpants, you are too dang hilarious.

Gen said...

I'm not all that into ice cream either, but when I have it, I love it to be with peanut butter or some kind of crunchy candy inside. If I bring it into the house my kids sniff it out and eat it all, so I rarely get any unless I eat it all at once. Not good.

barbra said...

I really could have lived without knowing about the creme brulee ice cream. Thanks a lot.

Paula Lynn Johnson said...

BR Peanut-Butter-And-Chocolate is the be-all end-all of the ice cream universe.

I knew you were my soul sister.

Anonymous said...

Soooo I'm guessing you like peanut butter. You know what you need to do? Visit Texas and try - oh - any of the hundreds of flavors of Blue Bell Ice Cream. I haven't had a bad one yet. Best ice cream EVER!

Wineplz said...

we eat ice cream every night. I have been since I was a little kid. I don't know that I could ever stop without a 12-step program.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Don't mind me for hating your skinny ass that consumes luscious ice cream in my favorite flavor on a daily basis.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

Sounds like it is time for an Intervention.


EatPlayLove said...

Summer and ice cream, nothing is more should check out the Gelato place in Santa Monica, now that's to die for.. and supposedly it has less fat or calories, or some silly notion!

Scott-N-Heather said...

We JUST discovered the NEW Bryers Fat Free Double Churned. (has a red lid). Caramel is in our freezer right now. 100 calories. For those who are on Weight Watchers (not me), it's one point :)

It's really creamy and yummy!

carmen said...

Love, love, LOVE ice cream. The chunkier, the better. But Creme Brulee ice cream. O.M.G. I may have to go get it right now!

stephanie said...

If you make ice cream into a milkshake, there's more calcium and therefore a healthy treat. True story.

And I know the PBChocolate is to-die-for, but World Class Chocolate (3 kinds of chocolate - white, dark, milk) is worthy of resurrection. Try it & report back. [Saying "chocolate" three times in one comment is like repeating "Beetlejuice" - I've just conjured an ice cream cone in my room...]

As Cape Cod Turns said...

How can I comment?

I just ate 1/2 a pint of Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk.


San Diego Momma said...

So to break my ice cream habit, I switched to Soy Dream in chocolate and now scoop real live peanut butter on top of it.

It broke the ice cream habit, but didn't do a thing for the butt shrinkage. Or the not consuming the whole pint thing.

Jason, as himself said...

"Chocolate ice cream with ribbons of peanut butter and crack."

CRACK? CRACK? No wonder.

Cynthia said...

I must look away! Too good. Must eat!

MamaMo said...

Dang it!! It's after 11:30pm and you just made me have to scarf a mini white powdered sugar donut out of my secret stash! Good thing we're out of ice cream.

Adrienne said...

OMG The PB and Choc has been my FAV FAV FAV for 4evah! My kids knew if they didn't have pbc we were leaving and going to the one 10 miles away.
Bone to pick tho, they have started using crunchy pb! STOP IT DAMMIT! It wasn't broken!

Anonymous said...

The PB and Chocolate sounds AMAZING. I went through a serious ice cream thing a few months ago -- Haagen Daas Coffee is my absolute downfall.

Anonymous said...

Okay. So I went to Ralph's today on my lunch break to look for Creme Brulee ice cream because my mouth has been craving it ever since Sunday and THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT. Instead, (of course I had to get a different one) I got Vanilla Caramel Fudge. And OH MY GOD my mouth was excited. Try it! I dare you.

JCK said...

You are looking JUST a LITTLE pissed in that 2nd photo that they didn't have chocolate peanut butter. Glad you discovered all those others.

Oh, and you hide the ice cream, too?

Kelly said...

You've spoken to the depths of my soul when mentioning Creme Brulee. That ribbon of caramelized sugar is like an orgasm in every bite.

LI Laura said...

Bought the cookies and cream Dibs. Ate all 60 of 'em in about 20 minutes. Nuff said.

Sugar Jones said...

All I can say is DIBS! Oh those naughty little pieces of creamy goodness and calories. I usually take a few different varieties and cover them with about another bowl's worth of whipped cream. Nothing fattening about THAT!

Janet said...

That IS the best flavor ever, even tho I prefer coffee ice cream as a general rule! Hard to find Baskin Robbins that carry it around here, so it's all good ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're making me crave ice-cream now mmmmm (but there's none in the house, not fair!) I'v only just discovered your blog, and am loving it, definitely on my must read list for the day :)