**Vintage Thirty would like to apologize for the tardiness of today's post. Tootsie was busy huddled in the corner crying her eyes out.**
Dear Girl-Child,
Today was your first day of kindergarten. You've been ready to go for the last two years. I know this because it has been one of the lead topics of discussion for you. Kind of like when you know a play date is upon us or a birthday; you yammer on and ask endlessly "Is it tomorrow? Is it tomorrow?". Two years later, tomorrow is finally here.You chose your outfit out of the sweeping new wardrobe in your closet. You chose these shoes out of the dozens of new pairs (dozens: slight exaggeration but not by much). Your backpack and lunch box were handpicked by you. The wonder and excitement you exuberated? Also, all you. You woke up on time, ate your breakfast, and brushed your teeth. This is what you've been training for!
Once on school grounds you were off to play on your new playground. The one you've coveted ever since you were old enough to know what a playground was. All those years of asking if you could play on it and all of those same years my answer was no. Today is a yes day. And so is tomorrow, and the days after that.
There was no time to waste. There were new friends to make! You certainly did not inherit your mother's awkward shyness. [Thank you Jesus]. You were blessed with your paternal grandmother's exuberant zest for meeting new people and chatting them up. You don't know a stranger. Or an enemy. In your own words, "These are all my people". You're a good girl. You're sweet and kind and nice and compassionate and other children flock to you. This has always been true. You're more of a follower than a leader. You're willing to play whatever game interests your friends rather than what your immediate want is. I think this is excellent. No one likes bossy kids.
The moment was upon you. The whistle was blown and it was time to line up. You stood by your backpack and your new friends. You were all smiles and high-fives. You even gave me a thumbs up. This was totally gonna rock and you could totally feel it! Unlike your oldest brother who was dragged in by the assistant principal and an aide, kicking and screaming, literally. It took weeks for my heart to recover from that fracture.
As you knew you were ready for kindergarten for the last two years, I used that time to prepare myself as well. Or so I thought. When it came time to follow your teacher inside and the line started to move; your bottom lip quivered and tears welled up in your eyes. And my heart broke at exactly that moment. I know that fear your feeling. Sometimes I still feel it as an adult. I knew what you needed more than anything at that moment was a hug. And so did I. But I did not. Because I knew if I hugged you there was the possibility that I would never let you go. We would both end up in a blubbering heap on the playground. It was in your best interest and mine that I give you another high-five and silently pray that the line move faster.
You're gonna be okay, kiddo. I'm sure that once you were inside the classroom and at your desk that fear of separation vanished. I hope it was replaced by that excitement you had moments before. This day is a new experience for me. When your older brothers entered their first days of kindergarten, I always had an infant or a toddler at home with me. But you are my youngest. Our last. There are no more babies in our home. This is the last time I will experience a first day of kindergarten with one of my children. This will be the final page I write in your baby book; just as I did with your big brothers. I'm so proud of you.
I love you.
Dear Mr. Farklepants,
You're lucky my tubes are tied. The end.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
One Door Closes Another Opens
Picture Randomness
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I have already been thinking about this as my almost 5yo will be going to kindergarten next year in a brand new school. He has been in his current one since he was 8 months old. I'm scared! I feel for ya......
And wow x 2. I'm the 1st one here. And now the 2nd. Weird!!!!!!
Speaking from experience, the tubes? They can be untied. I'm just sayin'.
Oh, man.
I'm srying just reading this.
By the time the first day of school rolls around for my little one, I will likely be incoherent.
She's beautiful, btw. And I love the shoes. No Mary Janes is one of the downsides to having a boy...
Honey...you did so well today. But it gets worse! They get MARRIED...and they get wheeled into DELIVERY ROOMS! Today, believe it or not, is a GOOD day. There are bad days (bad hair, zits, boyfriends-from-hell, calls from the Principal - oh YES there are!!)But, trust me..I'm old as dirt - and I know all about these things..there are far more good days than bad. Sit back, grab your camera - it's gonna be a fun ride! Don't forget to put every minute into your 'Memory Bank'. On a tough day - you can take out a good memory! xoxo the fan
I am always amazed that this big step is so much harder for mommy than it is for the child. If she didn't see you standing there, she probably would have been fine, My little d.q.i.t.'s (drama queens in training) feed off of my emotions and facial expressions. I love how Kindergarten teachers cover the windows with paper flowers and decorations so the mommie's can't see inside - and more importantly, the new students can't see their mommies!
She'll be fine. Now, what are you going to do with all your 'free' time?
Oy, my little one starts 1st grade this year...I'm so not ready!!
I hope Girl Child has a wonderful first day and makes tons of new friends and has great new experiences.
And that you drink lots of wine tonight! ;)
Oy. My heart just broke reading this! I felt the same way on my daughter's first day of preschool. I've already started to mentally prepare for kindergarten.
A sweet, lovely post. So glad you had stopped by and left your URL, I really enjoy your blog :)
Oh damn you. OR thank you. I can't decide which. I have to go through this Monday with my baby. Thanks and damn you for the preparation.
You totally, totally slayed me on this one. SLAYED ME. I don't know if I've ever read a lovelier post. Such a milestone. Such bittersweet times.She will soar.
I loved the part about not hugging her at the end, because you might not let her go. You did the right thing, girlfriend. You soared, too.
And I can't even imagine how hard that was with your oldest.
It wouldn't be natural to NOT feel this way, I've never seen a Mom with a dry face leaving the K5 hall on the first day!
I'm really starting to rethink the big V hubby has scheduled for next Friday... can I take this as a sign? Please??? ;)
I had to put my sunglasses back on yesterday as Sj was off to Kindergarten. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
Awww - how sweet. I still have quite a few more years before I'll have all my kids out during the day!
So besides your "appointments" what are you going to do with all your time?
I felt that way for both of my children. Loved the pictures you shared.
Awwww! I am sorry! I know that it was a hard day for you. I would have been a blubbering mess. You did well!
And LMAO at the letter to Mr. Farklepants!
Really beautiful post. Your daughter sounds like she'll be a star in kindergarten. Who wouldn't love that cutie pie?!
Sweet little girl! Good to know she still needs Mama, even if it is a tear-jerker.
That made me well up just thinking of my little Twinkle going to her first day in a few years :(
OH crap...I got something in my eye.. no I'll be OK..
sniff sniff
A great memory of a special day for you both. She looks so sweet. I'll never have one of those days, but I really enjoyed reading about yours.
Hell, at this point, my husband is lucky that MY tubes are tied.
I'll go back to my sobbing now.
Beautifully written. I felt like I was right there with you both.
And yes isn't it amazing...as soon as you get them all in school you think 'hey why not have another!'..
Don't do it girlfriend. Trust me.
Oh dear gracious I have to do this in two weeks with my baby girl. WAHHHH!
I meant two more days not weeks. See how emotional I got? I couldn't even think straight to comment.
She is adorable! What a milestone.
On my first day of Kindergarten, my mom dropped me off in front of the school and I wandered into the hoard of kids. Instantly I was lost and began to tear. I recall three pretty girls coming to my aid, helping me find my class. That's when I started liking girls.
and more
Loved this post. Took me right back to when my youngest went (he's now heading into third grade!) You did a great job. Mine aren't much older but kindergarten was definitely some of the most emotional times.
I love the post. What a beautiful letter for your daughter to treasure when she is older.
ok now I am huddled in a corner crying!
You done good, Mom! With a smile like hers (and cute hair too), she is just starting on the many "firsts" in her life! Enjoy every moment! She will treasure your sweet entry in years to come.
I read this and cried. I just sent my munchkin off to kindergarten 2 weeks ago... in India... Holy crazy batman.
You captured everything I was feeling when I walked her into her class on the first day.
I still tear up when I see her in her classroom at pickup every day. My how the time flies.
*weep* my youngest is in her last year of grade school this year...
I remember the day she started Kindergarten, like it was only eight years ago. They lined the kids up and took their photos, boys posed with books, girls posed with flowers.
I marched all of the little girls out to the playground and demanded that they mutiny! They did. Photos were retaken, all with books. One boy chose the flowers. 'nuf said.
Pass. The. Kleenex.
And. The. Birth. Control.
Sending over a mom hug
Awwww....I remember when my little Man went off to school...
They grow up too fast!
It's the end of an era. What will you do with yourself?!
Aw, I love that. My baby will be heading to kindergarten NEXT year, but I know it's going to kill me.
Hang in there Mama.
That was beautifully written. Tears are streaming down my face and my baby girl is 24 years old! Big brother is 28. You know what? They never stop needing you.
My heart breaks...you never forget the first day of kindergarten.
You are the cutest mommy ever! I hope she had a wonderful first day of school and many more to come.
*cyber hugs*
My lips are quivering just thinking about you being there. It sounds traumatic.
The first day of Kindergarten is a completely bittersweet day.
It goes fast doesn't it? My oldest is starting middle school next week! I stood in the middle of lockers and parents running around registering their kids wondering how the hell it happened. Hello? I'm only 33???! Gah!
Goddamnit, Tootsie. I have to do this in 13 days (who's counting?!) and I was already not looking forward to it and now, I'm REALLY not looking forward to it. Mama's gonna have to get her a new sweeping wardrobe of her own to survive it.
And a cardiologist.
Aww...how sweet.
Your daughter is beautiful. I just found your blog and glad I did. Chuck E Cheese is still making me laugh right now
That was beautiful! The last line made me laugh! You are a great writer!
My last child started Kindergarten last year and I was all like this.
This year on the first day of school (1st grade) I can't wait to drop her off!
Oh, Tootsie. They grow up so fast. What a Cutsie-PaTootsie she is!
Oh my how sad...my youngest is going to 2nd grade this year but I can totally relate to the lip quiver!
Awwww, bless her excited little heart. She looks like she's going to be JUST FINE! (Now, I hope you will be, too.)
I hear you. If my husband hadn't gotten "the procedure" we'd have at least one more set of twins running around. My boys are starting Grade 1! sigh
My heart skipped a beat when I read this. I can picture myself and my little E. in this same situation three years from now. How will I be able to let her go? I just don't know.
I'm so late to this one, but I had to say that you had me in tears. I may have to keep having babies one after the other forever so that this never happens. Hope it was a great day for her.
oh great...more tears for kids i don't really know and that just means that when my little man starts school in April I'll have all these posts going through my head...yeah...i'll be the foreign mom hanging on the outside of the door of the school as they try to shut me out.
This was really beautiful...and I just love her "first day of school" outfit...MaryJane's are something I have missed out of this whole "mommy adventure"....little boys don't like them so much!!!
My baby's first day of kindergarten--I remember it like it was yesterday instead of (OMG!) twenty years ago. It gives me empathy for our K mommies every year and we never fail to put a box of tissue outside our K door!
It took me two days to get all the pictures and video downloaded and enough distance from the actual event, but I finally posted my Last First Day Ever post over at my place. swing by & check it out. 'cause I'm totally feelin your pain.
Holy Jack... Now I'm crying.
awww...she looked ADORABLE! love the mary-janes. *sigh*
Someone asked me the other week if Gavin was starting kindergarten this year and I nearly tackled them for fear they'd start a rumor that might be true.
Well, I hate to burst your bubble!! Kindergarten was a tough one, but nothing, and I repeat nothing compared to when my baby went off to college. If you need a good laugh, I wrote about that listed under "heart strings" titled "it's a dog's life", on my blog..You will be able to see what you have to look forward to. Trust me I can laugh at myself now, but then, I was a blubbering mess. I enjoyed your post, brought back many memories of long ago, and not too long ago. Your sweet little girl is just precious. Hope her first day went well.
Oh, so so cute.
We still have a year to go before kindergarten. I'm already dreading that day.
You did great!
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